Dukan Diet

There comes a time when those who have a variety of diets for losing weight, frustrated in many systems, by get rid of the effectiveness of the normal diet with the aim of redundant weight. In the modern diet, a special place takes the most popular diet of the stars of the screen, created by Pierre (Duke), was the time and years of practice. Express Dukan diet is lose weight in four phases, in the world of diet recognized System "number one". We will consider features of the famous diets for quick weight loss.

The essence of the Protein diet Dukan

proper nutrition

What is the popularity of the French diet? The system is based on slimming Dukan – Protein-diet, and a sharp limiting the use of carbohydrates and fats. Already 3-4 days you will experience decrease the performance of a multi-stage System. Many Hollywood stars bought chiseled figure "Barbie", thanks to better nutrition, to lose weight the famous diet and recharge. Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez, the wife of Prince William have the stunning silhouettes to lose weight with a diet of the French doctor Ducane.

If you think that the Dukan diet is the strictest System of the power supply, the depth of personal misleading. To lose weight, you don't feel forever reminded of his existence Hunger. French diet diet includes a lot of "Protein" products, and Protein, as you know, is the "building material" in each cell of our body. And another important feature of the system Dukan: the dropped Kilos lose weight after the cure was not for several more years!

Description of the first Phase of the diet – attack

They decided to dramatically alter your performance body weight? Then you start the French Protein diet. The first Phase of the quick weight loss is called the "attack". This "Protein-attack" for the body: all the cells, proteins saturate, and the energy goes to the lipolysis. Intensive metabolism ensures the dramatic weight loss within the first 3-10 days. This dietary period of the system takes, depending on the desired result of attack by slimming: for 3 days, back up to 7 kg, attack helps during this time will be 3-5 days minus 8-15 kg and attack obesity up to 10 days – Reset to 25 kg. So you accelerate the results of the first Phase, we recommend to accompany it with a special Slimming complex.

The second Phase – Alternation (cruise)

When the body is "attacked" by a large number of proteins, you can proceed to the second step, diet for weight loss under the name "exchange" or "cruise". The essence of the second Phase of the diet – in the exchange of "Protein" and "vegetable" days (2-4 days). In the end, the dietary System lose 1 kg of excess weight a 7 days. The duration of this Phase of the weight loss depends on the desired effect: the more want to throw the weight, the longer the cruise. In addition to 72 units of protein production in the diet 28 calorie poor vegetables.

The Third Phase – Consolidation

From a cruise gradually return to the usual menu of the day prior to the application of the French diet, but this transition is very slow. Phase of the mounting of the system for the stabilization of the Dukan weight, keep slimming the achieved effect. In diet diet 100 foods Dukan pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, fruit (except grapes, bananas, cherries in small quantities administered. A day in the week – Protein, that is, dietary food consists entirely of animal proteins.

The fourth – stabilization of the weight

The last Phase of the French food diet Ducane is called the "stabilization" of the weight, if the result of the achieved fixed. You don't need a lot of effort. You only need to forget to eat to lose weight daily oat bran (3 tablespoons "with slide") to, plenty to drink throughout the diet. It is pleasing that those who lose weight, go on a complete diet (bad habits, overeating forget to help), and only once a week, recommended foods that are high in Protein.

General rules for all levels

In the diet tables diet Dukan proteins losing weight outweigh. As says the founder of diets, the functioning of the organism is unthinkable without the proteins. Therefore, possible will decrease if the Protein diet take several months for the stabilization of the achieved result. In addition to specific recommendations for each Phase of the diet, there are General rules. To the dropped pounds is not returned, and the health is not impaired, it is important that the dietary System Ducane forget about such moments:

  • Every day the daily Minimum 1.5 litres of water (normal drinking water or mineral water) to drink.
  • To avoid constipation, consumption of Protein foods, in the diet every day 2-3 tablespoons of oat bran with water.
  • For the maintenance of the organism during the French diets are in the best condition, it is recommended that mandatory Multivitamin preparations apply.
  • During the diet System diet Ducane inadmissible lack of oxygen in the body, so that the daily walks and fresh air for the body are essential.

Since the reviews of those thin, improve the results of the diet considerably, if you accompany it with the acquisition of the finished Cocktails from natural ingredients.

Table 72 approved product Ducane

Dukan Diet

Dukan diet for quick weight loss use in the daily ration of only 72 units allowed for the Protein products of nature. To eat, you have created a doubt, whether you have a specific product, if it is not listed in the table of permitted products? Better under the consumption body, it is you thank for that great weight loss.

Approved Products Ducane
Meat Steak, beef (Filet, tenderloin), roast beef, tongue, corned beef (Basturma), Schnitzel, rabbit, kidney, liver, veal, ham, lean pork, chicken.
Fish Dorado, hake, cod, whiting, halibut, haddock, plaice, sair, mackerel, carp, sea herring, mullet, trout, pike, carp, catfish, sturgeon, sprat, Sardine, Stingray, tuna, salmon, crab meat, crab Sticks, caviar.
Seafood Calamari, trumpeter, scallops, shrimp, crawfish, lobster, oysters, mussels, lobsters, octopus, sea urchins, squid, crabs.

Chicken, Turkey, Quail, Guinea Fowl, Liver, Grouse, Ostrich.

Vegetables beetroot, asparagus, aubergines, cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels cabbage, red, cauliflower, Kohlrabi, broccoli), carrots, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, chicory, green beans, onions, Kohlrabi, peppers, sorrel, radishes, squash, tomatoes, salad, mushrooms, soy beans.
Milk products Cottage cheese (soft, or beans), cheese processed cheese, Quark, fresh cheese, Kefir, low-fat milk, yogurt.
Eggs Chicken, Quail.

Approximate menu for each day

Protein Tag (for example, menu diet for the first Phase of the weight reduction):

  • 1 Breakfast: 100 G salted salmon, scrambled eggs from 2 egg whites, tea or coffee.
  • 2 Breakfast: oat bran (2 tablespoons) with yogurt.
  • Lunch: a cutlet of veal leather, roasted chicken with garlic, lemon, rosemary.
  • Snack: boiled shrimp, seasoned with turmeric, pepper.
  • Dinner: Salmon (Steak), Seafood, Meat, Lamb, Yogurt.

Protein-Vegetable Day

  • Breakfast: fritters of zucchini with grated carrot, scrambled eggs with chives, tomatoes, peppers; low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Second Breakfast: yogurt, applied to fruit caused.
  • Lunch: fish, lean, stewed, vegetable soup (without potatoes) or stew, tea.
  • Snack: salad, sliced fresh vegetables, yogurt.
  • Dinner: beef, grilled, braised Sauerkraut with fennel, eggplant, tomatoes, or sauce.

Recipes for the Dukan diet

The System of the diet Ducane slimming as hard and tasteless fish, meat and other approved products with a high protein content, are a perfect match, and your culinary imagination helps hearty delicious diet-to-cook-treats during weight reduction. Including certified French diet spices to lose weight, from Protein ingredients to prepare simple, healthy and tasty dishes.

Recipe 1. Pankejki diet of cottage cheese Ducane

  • Curd mass of 100 G (without sugar);
  • egg – 1 PC.;
  • Quark low fat – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • Sweetener – to taste, cinnamon.


Recipes for weight loss
  1. Rod mixer, whisk all of the products. Haskala pan, add oil and pour a little dough.
  2. Bake pancakes under the cover: each side has 2 minutes of frying.
  3. The cooled pancakes anoint a soft Quark and wrinkles "cake".
  4. With cinnamon and serve spicy dish.

Recipe 2. Fragrant cake with chicken and herbs during the diet


  • Chicken Fillet – 300 G;
  • the protein – 4;
  • Kefir – 150 ml;
  • Cottage Cheese – 300 G;
  • Spices (garlic, turmeric, Paprika and ginger);
  • dried herbs (chives, Dill);
  • Salt – 0,5 TSP


  1. Beat the egg whites with the salt.
  2. Pass the Ricotta, the spices through a sieve to homogeneity.
  3. Add half of the fillets in the content and whisk Mixer.
  4. The rest of the chicken cut into pieces and mix with cottage cheese-Kefir mass.
  5. At the end give you the proteins.
  6. Pour and sprinkle the dough in the Form and with herbs.
  7. Bake in the oven at medium heat for 35 minutes.

Recipe 3. Ragout of Turkey with zucchini slimming Dukan


  • Chicken Breast Fillets – 600-650 G;
  • medium-sized zucchini;
  • 1 onion;
  • half a small carrot;
  • Dill, rosemary to taste;
  • Salt.


  1. Diced zucchini Simmer in a pan with a little water under the lid.
  2. Fillet cut into slices and place in the pan.
  3. Grate the carrots and the zucchini with 'cold Chicken'.
  4. Add salt and spices.
  5. Simmer until they are soft.


As each System developed to lose weight, the Dukan diet has its contraindications, for weight loss. As the body suffers from the excess of digestible proteins, metabolic processes after completion of the diet in a healthy person, improve, and, especially, the body suffers. But in people with inherent diseases, lose weight in the French System, dangerous consequences can cause.

So, diet Ducane unacceptable for weight loss for persons subject to:

  • Kidney disease;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis;
  • Dyskinesia of the intestine;
  • Gout;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Strictly forbidden to experiment on your own body, want to lose weight, for those who are planning to become a mother, pregnant women and women during lactation. Body during a diet does not receive all the necessary trace elements, there is a sharp deterioration of health and health and in weight loss. Otherwise, the application of the famous System of the body of the expectant does not suffer slimming mother, but there is a large risk of abnormal development of the fetus.